Q: Do you have a Discord Server?
A: Yes!
Q: Where can I download custom maps?
A: Majority of user made custom maps are released either on our Discord or can be downloaded here: Click Here!
Q: How can I make custom maps?
A: GenEvo Beta 0.3 is shipped with modified version of WorldBuilder and all necessary files for map making, you can find all of it in downloaded .zip file in WorldBuilder_SDK folder, please make sure to read provided readme file within!
Q: Can I play online? How do I play online?
A: Yes! GenEvo Launcher grants you ability to play online using C&C Online services. All you need to do is to register an account there and then just login in-game with provided info. You can also try alternative methods to play online, such as Command Post and Radmin, please join our Discord server for more details. Please be aware that online play is not immune to crashes, desync and disconnection issues.
Q: Where can I find people to play online?
A: The best way to find people to play online with would be to join our Discord server, assign yourself a role and look for people in #looking-for-play channel. We also do occasional Online Events where majority of online games are being played. We hope to see you there!
Q: Is this mod endorsed by EA in any way?
A: No, EA has not endorsed and does not support this product.
Gunship Mark II - Project Lead, Code, VFX, Art, Porting, Modeling
sgor00 - GUI, Art Design, Mapping, Texturing, Testing
Soenke C. "warby" Seidel - Faction Structure Models
Slider - Faction Structure Animations
Zeke_Dlyoung - Gen X Mod Art Assets
Darth Jane - Mod Launcher, Coding Advice
Bibber - Modding Tools, Mod SDK Expansion
AdrianeYves - Custom GenEvo WorldBuilder
Mavtor - Coding Advice, Scripting Advice
aymcam - Community Contrubutions, Custom Maps
No Life Studios - Zeke_Dlyoung, VectorIV, St4lk3r, n5p29, mrs2004
Contra Mod Team - d-ce, Creator
Sleipnir's Stuff - Sleipnir
Eagle-Dan - SCUD Launcher and Rocket Buggy
SharpShark - Guardian Tank
Fritz - Particle Tank, BattleMaster Mark II, TaskMaster
NLS Team - Medic and Mechanic
The Hunter - Flak Tank
All time Gunship Mark II Patreon supporters:
All time sgor00 Patreon supporters:
It's been a rough year, but it's time to update you on Generals Evolution Beta 0.31, myself and everything related to this project.
I'm going to be brief in this article because this is not a main subject of this update, but if you want to read full story of my survival during "Siege of Mariupol" then click here
It was quite a rough year for me and for a lot of people. As some of you know I used to live in Mariupol, Ukraine. By now I'm sure you've heard about what happened there and through what remorseless savagery everyone there had to live through, including me and my family. Thankfully we've managed to live through it all due to sheer luck & shared effort and escape from leftover smoldering ruins right about when it was all over, sacrificing almost everything I have ever owned.
Currently I am somewhere far away and safe, which took me several weeks to achieve. With your help and a help of my dear friend I've managed to get my hands on a laptop, temporarily settle, and resume my work on the game called Military Conflict: Vietnam which I was a part of for 7 years ( and still am ) before the war. I had to put it above all else in my priorities list, because working on it is the only reliable way of survival for me. Unfortunately this came with the consequences of eating up all my available time, leaving no time for my creative endeavors.
Even when I had some free time I couldn't bring myself up to work on anything of my own due to ongoing PTSD issues, quite frankly a part of me simply died under never-ending barrage of artillery shells and airstrikes back home from everything I've witnessed and been through, even after all this time I'm struggling to regain that spark and joy from creation I used to have. I hate being overly dramatic, but this is something that is impossible to explain using words to people when they ask me about how I'm feeling/doing or how it felt to survive through all of this, I just hope neither of you has to live through what I did. I've put 12 years of my life into a war strategy mod for a game only to live through it personally, life is a cruel mistress. At least I am alive.
Thankfully not all is lost, couple of weeks before the war I've transferred ownership of everything GenEvo to sgor00, co-creator of the mod and my friend. I've had a feeling that something is going to happen, I wish I was wrong. Him and couple of most dedicated community members been busy working on extensive re-balance and bug-fix patch. I want to personally thank Enigma for his invaluable work and research on upcoming GenEvo B0.31 balance and sgor00 for picking up the torch, not giving up, despite all the personal struggles that this situation brought, and keeping GenEvo community alive and healthy. I also want to thank our dedicated community for being active and creating content for the mod, including some of the maps, which will be included into the upcoming patch. Thank you for not letting 12 years of our work to not go to waste and die with a whimper.
Both me and sgor00 want to give our most heartfelt thanks to all of you for your continuing support and interest, GenEvo reached over 100.000 B0.3 downloads and gotten into ModDB Top 100, despite not having any meaningful updates for a while. Our Discord community is alive and thriving and all of this is thanks to you, it means a lot to us.
Patch 0.31 aims to greatly re-balance and fix some issues of the mod, making it much more viable and much more fair for online and offline play, while keeping it as close to original game as possible. This patch will also include a bunch of community made maps from our most prominent creators and even some brand new maps from sgor00 himself, in total current map pool of GenEvo will consist of 40 fully playable Skirmish maps. There's a slight chance that B0.31 will also include couple of new additions, like units, upgrades or structures from my side, but, sadly, I can't promise anything right now, life is very unpredictable.
All that said, here's a work in progress balance changelog from B0.3 -> B0.31.
● Unit Locomotor Scalar: 1.75 -> 1.5
● Unit Locomotor Air Scalar: 2.0 -> 1.5
● Generic Projectile Locomotor Speed: 800 -> 600
● Shell flight path adjust per second (300 -> 150)
● Shell flight path removed tag (STRAIGHT_ONLY)
● War Factory and Airfield Repair Rates: 3% -> 2%
● Locomotor Global Edits
● Infantry Global Visual Scalar added
● Infantry Global Geometric Scalar added
● Supply Trucks cost (1200$ -> 600$)
● Supply Trucks collection amount (600$ -> 400$)
● Supply Trucks depleted collection amount (300$ -> 200$)
● Supply Centre refund values globally fixed using parameters.
● Certain Defences can no longer fire through structures.
Notes: Gattling Cannon, Tunnel Network, Firebases, Stinger Site, Deployed Armadillo.
Notes: Matching the original game. Otherwise, too much of a defender's advantage.
● Defenses can now 'see' on a larger multiplier. Should allow them to react a little bit more easily. (1.5x -> 1.75x)
Notes: New parameter. This is the same treatment that units get.
● Defenses now have a ground-specific fudge factor which allows them to automatically target units with the same range as them.
Notes: This is a bug fix, RA3 engine doesn't like letting defenses fire at stuff sometimes.
● Added Global Wall Template.
Notes: Inaccessible for normal gameplay for release. For worldbuilder use. Has Allies Wall model and customised Generals stats.
● Certain clip based weapons will now reacquire targets more often.
Notes: Globally, this is stuff like the Patriot will reacquire the same unit rather than continuing to fire at its original location.
Notes: Guardian should not be more quickly produced than alternatives. So SWG now just has a worse Crusader with a good special ability.
● Aurora and variants sluggish locomotor disabled.
Notes: Without the invincibility, the Aurora doesn't need the weakness either.
Notes: LASER variants will now tend to have more damage at cost of reload time. Same balance, more variety.
Notes: LASER variants will now tend to have more damage at cost of reload time. Same balance, more variety.
Notes: Matching other Supply Centres, because all the primary eco is identical.
● Firebase now correctly kills garrisoned infantry on death.
Notes: A lot of details now basically match the Tomahawk, but the unit should be overall worse because of cost and power cost.
Notes: This unit just had a lot to work on, but it should be a more balanced artillery-like overall.
● Combat Chinook now uses Helix-style locomotor.
● King Raptor now correctly has stealth detection.
● Stealth Fighter is now correctly invisible on Radar minimap at all times.
Notes: Mammoth Tank was underperforming compared to vanilla Ovie. It was missing this small detail.
Notes: This vehicle was overperforming compared to the regular Raptor.
Notes: In certain MUs, this vehicle can completely invalidate SWG's defence weaknesses (mobility) and delete two aircraft instantly (which can be high value)
Notes: Additionally, it's a very powerful oppressive tool to hold down construction, collection and production.
Notes: The changes will make using this vehicle riskier, but also provide more use as a jet itself. It should also only be able to disable or delete one thing at once.
Notes: A little more equivalent to Listening Outpost.
Notes: Deployed version of the Outpost is now almost identical to a Firebase.
● Flashbang now correctly scatters against infantry (0 -> 4.0)
● Flashbang no longer needs to reload before the first shot.
● Mechanic is no longer buildable.
● Mechanic vehicle repair moved to Ambulance.
Notes: SDZ income retained.
Notes: All bug fixes relating to broken parameters.
Notes: In some cases this was a buff or nerf to the anti-air aspect of these units, and in all cases this was a nerf to the anti-ground aspect of these units.
● Iron Dragon health reduced (210 -> 160)
● Firestorm radius reduced (90 -> 40)
Notes: Matches the average radius of the Firestorm from the original game, which had a dynamic radius.
● Taskmaster health (380 -> 370)
Notes: Just matches the Scorpion.
● Inferno Cannon can no longer fire while moving.
Notes: What was the point of the siege marker? Making a bad unit worse?
● MiG [NUKE] upgraded weapon now correctly does EXPLOSION damage instead of JET_MISSILE.
● MiG [NUKE] upgraded weapon now correctly has reduced reload time (8s -> 2s)
● MiG [Black Napalm] weapon now correctly has reduced reload time (8s -> 2s)
● China Artillery Strike corrected spawning height (500 -> 750)
● China Artillery Strike corrected spawning angle (-125 to 125 (0 average) -> 27)
● Listening Outpost deploy time (3s -> 5s)
● Listening Outpost build time (15s -> 5s)
● Listening Outpost [Deploy] health (600 -> 480)
● Listening Outpost [Deploy] contain capacity (5 -> 2)
● Added Listening Outpost [INFA]: Health (240 -> 300), Deployed Health (480 -> 600), Has propaganda (r75), reduced cost (800$ -> 600$), deployed contain capacity (2 -> 8)
Notes: IC income reduced 13.33$ps to 11.11$ps
Notes: Reflects their unique hacker properties from the original game.
● Nuclear Missile Superweapon now correctly tapers off in damage the further from the epicenter. (3500 @ 210r -> 3500 @ 60r + Taper to 300 @210r)
● Nuclear Missile Superweapon target is no longer visible on minimap radar (the missile itself is not visible on minimap).
● GLA build times globally fixed: (1.0x -> 2.0x)
Notes: GLA does not have power in the original game, but they build, train and upgrade as if they have power in GenEvo.
Notes: This is clearly overpowered, so we have now compensated for this issue.
● Worker scale increased from 1.35x to 1.5x.
● Technical passengers now correctly survive the death of the Technical.
● Battlebus passengers now survive the death of the Battlebus, taking 50% health.
Notes: Battlebus' bunker from the original game dealt 50% dealt on evacuation, and we'll use this for better balance.
● Quad Cannon / Flak Tank turret turn rates and pitch rates fixed: (180 -> 360)
Notes: Flak Tank was overperforming. It is now a more well rounded vehicle.
Notes: Flak Tank is worse than Gatt and Quads in cost-effective fights but Flak Tanks are immensely better against groups of infantry.
Notes: Demo General is supposed to have a worse Quad, and not an equivalent. Flak stats are more akin to Quad now than before.
Notes: The AOE before was as big as a Firebase, which is a little too big.
● Scorpion Missile weapon speed corrected (200 -> 150)
Notes: Manticore now acts as a slightly worse Scorpion with transport slots. It even requires a GP but can be stealthed.
● Scud Launcher aiming delay fixed (1.25s -> 0.5s)
Notes: Buggy can 'missile split' in the original.
Notes: Katyusha is now more on par with Scud Launcher.
Notes: It has a faster burst (but no longer excessively strong) and now a worse overall AOE rather than better.
Notes: Matched a lot of other factors. But Katyusha remains mildly faster than the Scud on the ground.
● Toxin Tractor projectile speed fixed (600 -> 450)
Notes: You will be able to hold down all 3 Scuds with one Windmill, build extra if you need, but their cost is now not so excessive.
● Technical with double scrap correctly can no longer fire at aircraft.
Notes: aiming delay removed but it has to stay for animation purposes so it's merged with firing duration.
Notes: The 'Worker' has the right speed but the 'Builder' does not... there you go lads.
● Scud Storm missile speed (100 -> 450)
Here's brand new additions to the GenEvo B0.31 map pool from our most prominent community creators, such as -ClouD, aymcam13, Dereaper89, Bluesss, darkyuri, jmdigital, Predatore and Adriane!
It's quite difficult to give you concrete answer regarding this due to our current situation, especially mine, but we're hoping that future patches will inclue more brand new content, like still unimplemented units/structures and even more balance/QoL changes, moving us much more closer to the final 1.0 release with complete SDK release. Hard to tell when this will actually happen, but we're going to do our best to achive this goal.
If you wish to show your appreciation towards project, please consider backing us up on Patreon for one or couple of months. I would also appreciate if you checked out the game I am working on as a lead VFX and lead Sound designer, this is the project that is half responsible for existance of Generals Evolution, it allowed me to sustain myself enough to be able to dedicate time for GenEvo, so if you're interested in old-school multiplayer FPS shooter, please check out Military Conflict: Vietnam Steam page! You can also join our Discord server and hang out with sgor00 and other folks, I won't be there much because I still need to concentrate on my job.
To be frank I'm just glad that I'm still alive and physically healthy enough to be able to write this news article and update for you, for people who truly care and support this project, it genuinely means a lot to us. Despite this year being the toughest one for me yet, me and sgor00 really hope that this article will lighten up your day during festive season, we wish you Merry Christmas and a much happier New Year.
It's finally here, after a year in development, a new start for Generals Evolution, Beta 0.3 is ready for release!
It's been roughly a year since 0.21 release and we want to summarize both community and mod progress. We also was to share our plans about Beta 0.3 release...
It's that time of the year again, we're happy to reveal 18 brand new units, details on single-player campaign and a lot of exciting stuff including Beta...
We've spent couple of days since initial release to patch things up and fix some critical issues!
The goal of Generals Evolution is to reimagine C&C Generals on Red Alert 3 engine, in other words it's a total conversion of Red Alert 3, which features...
New version of the launcher, this should fix hash errors after most recent Steam Update: 19E697F8, 5752E4DC and C3CFE242
The goal of Generals Evolution is to reimagine C&C Generals on Red Alert 3 engine, in other words it's a total conversion of Red Alert 3, which features...
The goal of Generals Evolution is to reimagine C&C Generals on Red Alert 3 engine, in other words it's a total conversion of Red Alert 3, which features...
This archive contains everything you need to start making maps for Generals Evolution, please read included guide/readme files for more info or join our...
The goal of Generals Evolution is to reimagine C&C Generals on Red Alert 3 engine, in other words it's a total conversion of Red Alert 3, which features...
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Getting the same problem some others are/were having in the comments. At first the game would crash when selecting 'Skirmish' until I deleted the Skirmish file and selected 'Skirmish' in the vanilla game.
Now I can select "Skirmish" in GenEvo, but the game crashes when I try to select a map.
EDIT: Was able to solve the issue by launching GenEvo through the Red Alert 3 launcher as detailed in their Discord
1. Set start option of Red Alert 3 to "-ui" in Steam properties
2. Start Red Alert 3 Launcher
3. Select the "Game Browser" option in the launcher
4. In the "Mods" tab select "GenEvo" and then "Launch Game"
I was able to select Skirmish and choose maps as normal after following these instructions.
I can confirm this method works just fine.
o mod simplesmente não abre... fica na primeira tela a vida toda...
Me ajudaaaaa!
C&C General Developer
I'm Hank from Taiwan, and love your work on the game. But recently, I have encountered some problems on installing process, here are my problems in the following;
Q1. I have RA3 CD version bought years ago, so, I check the installing process on youtube, I download the RA3 English Patch 1.012 and C&C 4gb Patch, but when I follow through all the steps, there's no maps or I can't change faction in the Skirmish Mode?
Q2. Following Q1, so I delete all files, and use an alternative way, and try to use my Steam version RA3, yet, still following through all the installing steps, there're no maps or can't change faction as well.
Can you help or offer me some advice on installing steps?
Go to your windows searchbar and type %appdata%, open that folder then go to roaming and red alert 3.
There is a profile folder which has another folder with your profile name in it.
Inside that you will find a file called "skirmish". Delete that. You will need to do this everytime the issue appears.
I can confirm at the time off this comment, the mod doesn't work as intended.
At first the game crashed right when I tried to access skirmish menu, I managed to fix that by first accessing skirmish from red alert 3, this will create the skirmish.ini file. Now, when you boot up the mod, you can access skirmish mode but every time you select a map from the map pool, the game crashes.
from what I'm seeing, I think the mod is using the same skirmish.ini of red alert 3 and the game crashes because it tries to look for somethings only available for red alert 3. I'm not sure if the mod should generate or create its own skirmish.ini file or the file itself is just corrupted.
Also, the skirmish.ini file doesn't get generated or created whenever you try to access skirmish menu from the mod if you for example created a new profile. that's why if you attempt to access the skirmish tab from a new profile while inside the mod, the game immediately crashes. Therefore, first you have to access the skirmish menu from the red alert 3 then close the game and then boot up the mod.
Everyone please be aware that when EA put the Ultimate Collection on Steam they updated the .exe for RA3 and broke most mods. It doesn't work on the Steam version anymore until they update it. (this mod hasn't had an update in several years)
Well s#!t,i guess there's is only one options and youre not gonna like it.
To play this mods,you half force to piracy version,That is all.