UPDATE: For people that misunderstood our goals.
We're focusing on C&C Modding & Information, with a extra section with Computer Art.

Q: Why the 3rd party Computer Graphics Section?
A: Because we see alot of private messages, mails, posts, comments about

People asking how to create such of models or textures.

Thats the reason why we added this section.
So C&C Modders can stay here without going to a other page.

Dear visitors, we are proudly present the newest C&C community site: C&C Society.
C&C Society is created as a community site that will focus on C&C Universums, And a bit Computer Graphics & Basic Game Design.

C&C Society contains a very special sub section with tutorials,
workshops, interviews and more that will be filled up often with the newest and most helping tutorials, workshops & interviews.

Our goal:
E-Studios. Is a very creative design group of friends that will help & teach
the community with Game Design & C&C Modding.
The maintask is teaching people create Next-Gen gaming graphics for C&C Games

Editors Note's:
C&C Renovatio appears in EA's Battlecast Primetime Episode 10!
It shows up a little teasing of our Renders & Art.

About E-Studios.:
E-Studios is a CG Freelance Studio and Previous Founder of C&C RenEclips & E-Studios Forums.
C&C RenEclips runned serval projects like C&C Shockwave, C&C Generals Alpha and more.

Post article RSS Articles
The future of modding is here! \ ( * 0 * ) /
Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath

The future of modding is here! \ ( * 0 * ) /

Kane's Wrath Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04 3 comments

The indomitable future is here! and no one can stop its changes from happening!

C&C Ultimate Collection now on Steam!

C&C Ultimate Collection now on Steam!


Big news for the Command & Conquer community! Thanks to EA and the dedicated C&C community, the C&C Ultimate Collection is now available on Steam!

C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux v1.5.3 Released!
C&C: Generals Zero Hour

C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux v1.5.3 Released!

C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux 9 comments

The C&C Tiberian Dawn Redux mod makes a return with the release of version 1.5.3! This release includes a massive gameplay overhaul with updated visuals...

C&C: Reloaded v2.5.1
C&C: Yuri's Revenge

C&C: Reloaded v2.5.1

C&C: Reloaded 10 comments

New stable release 2.5 of the Yuri's Revenge mod C&C: Reloaded for download. Available in the downloads section of ModDB.

Development Updates | December 2023
C&C: Tiberian Sun

Development Updates | December 2023

Tiberian Sun: Rubicon 3 comments

We made it to the Top 100 mods this year! To celebrate, have a look at some of the things that we have in store for the next update.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 43)
Hytrogen - - 12 comments

for anyone still alive, just an FYI on the next Generals... Youtu.be EXCITED MUCH!

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hunt1hunt - - 102 comments


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B7Biscuit - - 624 comments

I could use a little help with C&C G ZH... Could anybody tell me what I should have to be able to mod Zero Hour completely (as in any part of ZH)?

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!!!karmenjell - - 664 comments

hey guys. picked up a version of original command n conquer(tib Dawn) in a 2nd hand shop. w95/98.
Tried to install it but no go. managed to install and play original version of 'red alert 1',but cant get this going.Realy need help,PLEASE!!
Could anyone please tell me how i can play this game on my pc? do i need to download some kind of "boot down/up" program or some other download or what?
ive always followed and loved this series,and have(And Love!)all cnc games - but not TFD,so have NEVER played the original game, and am really desperate to give it a go.

Oh yeh,.a run vista - any help would make me a real happy guy! KJ

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The_splat - - 136 comments

Karmenjell... for you i recommend dosbox a little old school emulator that will allow you to run programs in an albiet tricky way that are designed for old style computers.

B7Blue id suggest you look for a copy of finalbig and a 3d modeling software package.. also dust off notepad or get notepad++ as you will use that the most... or for lesser modding use tib editor.

Player power tutorials: nope cant say i can but you could try cnc3.net they have a collection of tutorials but no more functioning forum.. seems it died and jonwil has moved onto a new area of interest.

modding this cnc is rather tough... perhaps more so than just making a normal game.. in the process of determining what path ill travel down .

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!!!karmenjell - - 664 comments

wow,a year since i been to this gruop.

anyway, tried dosbox, but tricky is not the word - and as i had no other old games that needed a downboot, i uninstalled dosbox and DL ed the freeware tid dawn.

cop-out i know, but enjoyed the game - thanks anyway all you that tryed to help me

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The_splat - - 136 comments

I'm new to this group and all and wish there was a forum.. newbie introductions and all would be good.
Anyways what I really am after is information about a few things.
Pretty much I want to mod c+c 3 tib wars.
Or work on a mod for that in something that isnt too far established.
anyways I did have a few nice ideas about a mod for c+c
like make something simmilar to the pirates mod for bf2. Yar !
Wish i could get permission to use thier stuff.. but im newb at modding anyway.
Though getting better.. well not entirely new I have worked with a few dead mod teams and one alive one that I got the sooks with as they demanded waterfalls... c+c 3 has one two waterfall objects and they blow btw... since found some waterfall W3d's from bfme2 big files.
Oh yeah I heard there's a naval mod for C+C 3 must look it up.

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sgtmyers88 - - 2,831 comments

Hey just so you guys know the website "C&C Tube" that was dedicated to C&C related videos was apparently shut down today due to the increased lack of traffic! They posted the report on their facebook page: Facebook.com

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sgtmyers88 - - 2,831 comments

I wish to note and give a big Happy 15th Birthday to Command & Conquer! Check out this interview with one of the creators, Louis Castle: Platform-online.net

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OrangeNero - - 6,594 comments

i read the group description and have still no clue what it is about. and where does it differ from the other cnc groups?

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ChadaFACE - - 3,284 comments

more of a project creation and knowledge sharing-type
in other words its srs biznz

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