First Update is here! #1: More carpet, #2: added Electric poles, #3: added Lamp posts, #4 more trees, #5: Forest BG Material Replacement.

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Car Crash Remastered (Patch 1)

Car Crash Remastered (Patch 1)


First patch / update of Car Crash Remastered is here!

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Это мой первый мод по игре hello neighbor не судите строго пожалуйста, и надеюсь к моду относитесь...

Athena's Home

Athena's Home


This is a revival of a mod released in 2017 under the same name, it was one of the first HN mods to have a new story, custom models, cutscenes and more...

SN Neighbor Rigs

SN Neighbor Rigs


This mod includes 2 rigs for the neighbor based on his design from SN. They both go well with the SN character rigs. You don't have to credit me but if...

Not Strange Neighbour

Not Strange Neighbour


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Hello Neighbor: Old Days

Hello Neighbor: Old Days


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Hello New Neighbor

Hello New Neighbor


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