One of the most obscure and underrated cyberpunk shooters ever made, B-Hunter is a low-profile release developed by Danish-based Interactive Vision and published by UK-based Midas Interactive Entertainment. Similar to Psygnosis' much better known G-Police, you are a futuristic bounty hunters who flies around in a hovercraft in a huge metropolis, attempting to arrest criminals and corrupt cops from on high. The mood is true to the game's cyberpunk premise, with a lot of neon lights, techno soundtrack, and Blade Runner- style vehicles. Although gameplay and premise are similar to G-Police, B-Hunter is actually a more non-linear game due to the fact that you are a bounty hunter, not a cop. This means that you are free to pursue whatever profit-making venues appeal to you at any time, and your enemies also include other bounty hunters who are after the same booty...


This is a Bhunter beta version, inbetween the Alpha version and full release. Extremely rare version, it took me 1,5 years to track this down. Enjoy!

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