The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Boomsticks and Sharpsticks M4 Tactical is now with various grips

[BaS]M4 Tactical Reanimation
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ShadowShell - - 2 comments

Outstanding animation, probably the best animation ive seen so far on moddb

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Chimo69 - - 191 comments

you have not seen to much, anim is good but not the best by faar

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jcyrel09 - - 41 comments

Hoping for vanilla M4 port because I would rather get my arse drilled than fixing and balancing my modlist for the lastest bas mod.

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CLUm_sie Author
CLUm_sie - - 19 comments

I working on it

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TomasaurusREKT - - 361 comments

whoa wait you're gonna do with with the regular M4 with the quad rail?!?!? You'll be my HERO!!

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

Hi i have this error: FATAL ERROR

[error]Expression : _valid( c )
[error]Function : CPhysicsShellHolder::correct_spawn_pos
[error]File : C:\anomaly_src\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\PhysicsShellHolder.cpp
[error]Line : 189
[error]Description : object: wpn_m4_tac_spec_alt20172 model: dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

stack trace:

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SkyJoe - - 21 comments

The grenade launcher don't have sounds.

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mr__dude - - 112 comments

looks ******* nice man thanks
The reddots dont work though

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
mr__dude - - 112 comments

nvm im retarded, problem was on my side. All works fine

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TheTazDJ - - 284 comments

Okay, honest review here.

Animation overall looks good. I will not say great, why ?

Here are some observations if you look closely :

The gun motions look great, it lacks a bit of inertia and weight, but that's in the range of okay or okay-good. It's damaged by the lack of work and details over some other animations, here example : the grenade shoot animation ; it looks like it goes in slow-motion, that's absolutely not realistic except if you want to try to simulate the actor doing it on purpose.

Other general comment about gun animations, sometimes, eventhough you got some proper angles and correct speed, motions feel too simple, like simplified translations. It would need some more inaccuracy in my opinion. It has that "servomotor feel" if I can explain it, which has that robotic almost millimetric precision.
It is a bit "funny" to see that when after you get to see the AFG grip full reload for which gun animations look much more smooth and natural.
I think it sometimes has that "tarkov feeling to it" That's a style. IDK what you were looking for, but to me clearly some animations look more polished that others.

Now about the hand motions, this is where I find it would benefit from more rework : here explanations, if you watch that left hand leaving the grip when reloading but the fingers do not move and the whole wrist/hand goes to a translation and glitches through the grip and only when it's close to the mag fingers start changing orientation. Overall I see that many poses or movements have that type of issue. Hand movements feel snappy, but that's not an issue in itself if that's the style you want. Just noting that seeing an almost complete steady hand moving for quite some frames before seeing actual fingers rotations feel weird.

Great work though, it's a lot of animations and variations and if your wish is to push the quality even more, you could give it some refining over time to make it THE best AR-style animation set.
Good luck !

EDIT : just to make sure before you potentially read it, I like the effort you put in this work, i'm trying to provide with a more detailed feedback hoping it can help you progress :) cheers

Reply Good karma Bad karma+10 votes
CLUm_sie Author
CLUm_sie - - 19 comments

Thanks for the feedback, i agree that polishing is neccessary

Reply Good karma+4 votes
ZeburG - - 33 comments

Сделать анимации более живыми чтоли , какие то топорные, стиль то неплох, но качества побольше будет в целом годно👍

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jakepronto - - 50 comments

don't get mad but this is what I think:

It's kind of sloppy and robotic. Not a worthy replacement for the BAS animation.

Idk animating but surely you'll get better at it haha. This is already ok-ish.

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MarkColt - - 436 comments

Hey that's a really nice start, just needs a bit of polish.

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

Wlll you made patch for BaS Phant0m Overhaul? (m4 tactical included)

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INNIES - - 189 comments

Yeah this would be great if possible, really nice animations tho!

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Lexus2411 - - 132 comments

you forgot to add icons!!!

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HatsuneMiku__ - - 18 comments

does this works on gamma?

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GSPD - - 19 comments

Expression : _valid( c )
Function : CPhysicsShellHolder::correct_spawn_pos
File : F:\ANOMALY BUILDS\xray-1.5.2 - UPDATE 2024.01.30\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\PhysicsShellHolder.cpp
Line : 189
Description : object: wpn_m4_tac21262 model: dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

stack trace:

Friend animation m4 tactile class well
This is an error that occurs when I throw away a weapon, perhaps a bug due to the BaS Phant0m Overhaul mod?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
CLUm_sie Author
CLUm_sie - - 19 comments

Temporary solution

deleteing gamedata\meshes\dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

will fix the crash

Reply Good karma+3 votes
GSPD - - 19 comments

Thanks for the answer, I'm looking forward to the corrections

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Lexus2411 - - 132 comments

Fatal Error
Expression : _valid( c )

Function : CPhysicsShellHolder::correct_spawn_pos

File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\PhysicsShellHolder.cpp

Line : 189

Description : object: wpn_m4_tac_eot52996 model: dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

stack trace:

Press OK to abort execution


when throwing a rifle with a sight on the ground

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Der47 - - 8 comments

чееел це така імбаа, дякую величезне, я так довго чекав цього моду, єдине питання, можеш будь ласка зробити варіант на 30 патронів, без лазеру та з AFG/горизонтальною рукояткою?

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

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TomasaurusREKT - - 361 comments

I just wish this model had the forward assist :(

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Venya_Stolichnaya - - 28 comments

Cool work man, I try this and mhm looks nice
a good start, just need a bit o polishing, keep going

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Simbrave - - 236 comments

Great work, the grip add-ons men oh men~~~

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TomasaurusREKT - - 361 comments

Is there any way you could do this with the M4 RAS? I know I'm in the minority here but I like the quad rail more than freefloats.

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GDI_Amiya - - 208 comments

I hope so too, but the abnormal M4 series models are too old and need better quality models with better actions.

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TomasaurusREKT - - 361 comments

The M4A1 done by Sibercat is actually pretty good imo!

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WolFHoRo - - 11 comments

Fatal Error

Expression : _valid( c )
Function : CPhysicsShellHolder::correct_spawn_pos
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\PhysicsShellHolder.cpp
Line : 189
Description : object: wpn_m4_tac4794 model: dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

stack trace:

Press OK to abort execution

If you apply this mod and die while engaging an enemy using the M4 Tactical firearm, you will receive this error

Add content -> Even in new games, an error occurs if you throw the M4 Tactical gun on the ground.

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Coremanite - - 83 comments


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Mercss - - 52 comments

World models when holding gun is messed up.

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Stalkerlover12094 - - 71 comments

@CLUm_sie can u make like all of those m4s into custom weapon like instead of using one, i want all of them ;)

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BenKorisian - - 6 comments

Inspection animation and check mag animation makes this a worthy mod to download. I immediately switched to the Tac as my primary firearm as I always use m4 models. Was using skinflints m4, but the additions and even customization in the different grips and magazines makes this better than BaS. The animations might be a bit sloppy as some people argue, but the fact that BaS does not have animations checking the mag or the chamber means that this adds realism and immersion that was NOT there before. These reanimation mods are the best kind of mods in my humble opinion.

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

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olegat - - 295 comments

It would be cool if there was a patch for 3D shaders!!

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Simbrave - - 236 comments


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olegat - - 295 comments

Expression : _valid( c )
Function : CPhysicsShellHolder::correct_spawn_pos
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\PhysicsShellHolder.cpp
Line : 189
Description : object: wpn_m4_tac30212 model: dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

stack trace:

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
cyberwayet - - 32 comments

When aiming the GL, the gun is somehow offset to the left which makes the front sight doesn't align with the GL sight. Also I think you should upgrade the GL animation with the ones from gunslinger if you can port it :v

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

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rypiedlko96 - - 1 comments

The 30 mag version has a navy blue magazine and looks strange. This is normal ?

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CLUm_sie Author
CLUm_sie - - 19 comments

You need latest BaS texture

30rounds pmag from another m4 which is in the latest BaS version

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ygorvenceslau - - 4 comments

when i die holdin the weapon i get a crash:

Expression : _valid( c )
Function : CPhysicsShellHolder::correct_spawn_pos
File : D:\a\xray-monolith\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\PhysicsShellHolder.cpp
Line : 189
Description : object: wpn_m4_tac22486 model: dynamics\weapons\wpn_m4_tac\wpn_m4_tac_world

stack trace:

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Simbrave - - 236 comments

The 45 angled Grip is missing texture (just dark blue color now), I am also using gamma.

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CLUm_sie Author
CLUm_sie - - 19 comments

You need latest BaS for grips texture

45 angle grip from BaS pro which is in the latest version

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Guest - - 693,904 comments

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Simbrave - - 236 comments


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andtheherois - - 21 comments

An implementation of this for the m4a1 siber and skyraga would be awesome!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
TomasaurusREKT - - 361 comments

Bro we gotta keep saying it! My AR I own in real life is a quad rail with vertical grip and ACOG I would **** immediately if I could have that replicated in Stalker!

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