The stand-alone mod S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Anomaly aims to be the most stable and customizable experience for fans of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. It's powered by the Monolith 64-bit engine, a custom fork of the X-Ray engine.


Reanimation of th Special Assault Rifle "Val"

AS Val Reanimation
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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments


All updates and fixes will be in the form of a link inside the archive. My internet is very bad at uploading files to Moddb (upload stops or gives an error).

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Val does piu piu piu

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

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Bass-Junkie - - 536 comments

could u make this copy paste for the vss vintorez ? tha twoudl great

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Inside the animation file there are adapted animations for VSS. I will not adapt VSS, but I think there is a person who adapts. Moreover, I do not prohibit the use of my animations in other works. It is enough to indicate me as the author of the animations.

And it is desirable to make the addon dependent on the original (depending on the situation)

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syka-bluadt - - 200 comments

Ill try it later.

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

Hands model addon name

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments Old dog sleeves

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syka-bluadt - - 200 comments

Ганс не нужен с такой анимацией

На будущее если не трудно, пили анимацию включения ЛЦУ, у bas уже есть эта механика, думаю скоро и скрипт появится.

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Щас нет смысла. Исходный риг есть может буду делать если подобное реализуют.

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xBlackRaveNx - - 26 comments


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Guest - - 693,792 comments

а будет реанимация на все стволы из оригинальной аномали ?

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Буду потихонечку помаленичку делать реанимации.

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

У вас файлы вихря в xml, а не вала

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Вихрь был исходники для вала. Остался файлик ну да ладно он особо не влияет. Как будут обновления исправим.

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

А как ставить длтх на гамму, 1 раз поставил длтх с заменой потом гамма не запускалась. Как поставить его правильно. Дайте ответ БРАТЬЯ

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Насколько я знаю на гамму не нужно ставить модифицированный движок. Но могут возникнуть проблемы с скриптами. Если у вас возникнут проблемы напишите в Дискорд сервере гаммы наверняка найдутся люди у которых были схожие проблемы.

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cszabo999 - - 18 comments

This is simply beautiful. Respect for the clean animations.

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SIeghard - - 1 comments

Очень крутые анимации!

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loner4lyf - - 3 comments

windows defender identifies it as a virus ?

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Lobberstorm - - 187 comments

try to restart ur pc and it will work again

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

Detected: Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml
wdym restart its a virus, restarting doesn't fix a virus i had to remove it. man this is the second time i got a virus tryna download a mod for stalker ffs.

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Я проверял файл и свой компьютер через DR.Web и он ничего не обнаружил.

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Krueger- - - 19 comments

Wacatac.B!ml is a frequent false positive trojan detected by Windows Defender. You can verify by uploading the files into other file scanner sites like VirusTotal. I ran it and it came out clean.

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YuriVernadsky - - 428 comments

Im getting this CTD when getting any gun, i'm playing in GAMMA modpack


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : C:\anomaly_src\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...aly-\gamedata\scripts\uni_anim_core.script:64: attempt to call field 'get_jam_status' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Any tips? It comes from "uni_anim_core.script"

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YuriVernadsky - - 428 comments

Removed the script and it fixed

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

Is ak series possible to reanimated

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

For what? There are many animations for the AK series.

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D_IV - - 93 comments

От тейвиаза же был на гитхабе подобный с месяц назад, включая всс, или тут альтернатива?

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Я думаю не многие знают про это.

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Made_In_Darkness - - 8 comments

что у тебя за позиция оружия?)) скинь)))

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments


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Made_In_Darkness - - 8 comments

ааааа даааай пажэжэ даже за рубли готов купить сукоооо

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

))) я бы даже продал, но у меня конфиги кастомные ниче работать не буде.

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Чё я высрал.. я что человек чье имя лучше не называть

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tint08771 - - 669 comments

i changed bore anm to ammo check anm

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments


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fabrini - - 56 comments

how did you do it? Could you please explain to me?

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Jc_Denton_3452 - - 3 comments

I wonder how easy it would be to make a compatibility patch for Bas AS val tactical.

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

it will take a lot of time

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Spirit1999 - - 85 comments

Why does the hand positions always revert back when I edit it in mod_system_wpn_val.ltx?

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments


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D_IV - - 93 comments

Очень похоже на ТКО с гитхаба...

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

Да кто такой этот ваш ТКО? Хотя бы посмотреть что это.

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

Hello my goodman, i really like this mod only AS VAL on moddb atm but when i play with the mod my ASVAL sits like really tight and close to my player, not even far enough like u in the video, would you happen to know a fix to space the weapon out a bit? Thanks.

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SeDzhiMol Author
SeDzhiMol - - 385 comments

A very good tool for working on the position of the weapon. Please read the description of this addon!

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Guest - - 693,792 comments

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Larrylangosta - - 364 comments

hello, I noticed that the "text" folder of your addon is the same as that of SR-3M "VIHR" Reanimation, is this a mistake? MO2 shows me that both folders are being replaced.


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INNIES - - 189 comments

Is the rusty (modern) val supposed to have the iron sights broken/off target? Also i cant find the link for the fixes if there are any avalible.

Very nice animation nontheless!

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iluvatarPrime - - 3 comments

А можно как нибудь привязать анимацию проверки патронов к ammoCheck а не к ispectWeapon?

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INNIES - - 189 comments

Yes, someone in the comment section did it but did not specify how.

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