YR:NW Open Beta 0.95 Unstable Released
Command & Conquer: New WarYuri's faction is now available to play! With 0.95 released, the new war is getting more intense!
This group is open to everyone who likes any kind of aircraft
Yuri's faction is now available to play! With 0.95 released, the new war is getting more intense!
We've finally set up a new playtest. We also added a new faction.
CombatACE.com and the ODS Dev Team are proud to announce the Christmas release of the Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition total conversion...
New units, new campaign, new gamemodes. Figure it out (for real experience) in version 0.78 Unstable!
CombatACE.com and the ODS Dev Team are proud to announce the second official release of Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition, now reaching...
hey guy.... can someone help me? The problem is object_vehicle_xpack_shelittlebird_texture not found. how can i fix it?
Curious, This group didn't show up on my groups.
god damn it we really do need a new jet game for pc! right now the only good one is ARMA3 jets if u want more realistic and HAWX if u want fun gameplay... HAWX2 was terrible >.>
i just hope we get the new Ace combat
In doubt always go back to the immortal IL-2 Sturmovik and take the seat in one of the cool oldschool jets or even rocket planes (ME-163 Komet FTW!)!
Hi, ppl, I'm a enthusiastic aircraft modeller (1/72 and military only) and I just lovelovelove the beautiful multicolor camos such as WW2 Japanese, Luftwaffe and Italian ones.
I also do whatifs (a camouflage fighter variant of MiG-25, perhaps?)
I do believe very firmly, that an appropriate camo will always help staying less visible, if not completely invisible.
So, does anyone have a nice aircraft camo i dunno of?
Dropping this text-y bit, mefinkz it'll be appreciated over here.
IDK, I think China would be better off buying the PAK-FA from Russia.. Then again China kind of shot themselves in the foot for ******* off Sukhoi after what happened with the Su-27 deal.
At least they did bought Su-35s.
After all what's the most important for them are the engines for now.
Just for fun lets say your a mercenary pilot looking to start out in the world and you have a cool $10,000,000 to blow on your first combat aircraft. What aircraft would you buy?
me personally, I would get myself a Mirage IIIS.
F-5E because that's what Ace Combat and SF2 mercenary campaign have taught me over time.
or Kfir C2. That plane's literally screaming "I'm an ideal plane for aspiring mercenaries and mercenaries wannabe!" as seen in Area 88
Kfir is a great plane. in fact the Cheetah C aka licensed built South African Kfir did a mock battle with a few USAF F-15s and the score was almost even. Not bad for something based off the Mirage 5.
The rest of the money are sent on research to equip it with laser cannons, force shield, plasma blasters and MiG-25 rockets.
Eh MiG-25 Missiles suck...right ? MiG-31 missiles are better =)
Laser cannons, plasma blasters, force shield and Mi-24 dumb rockets blocks*