RTX.conf for Air Conflicts
RTX.confThis is the dxvk.conf file necessary to run Air Conflicts with RTX Remix. Place it in the root directory where the Remix runtime is installed. Thanks...
The player controls a plane whose allegiance is one of three WWII nations: Britain, Russia, and Germany. The game ignores factions such as America, Japan, and Italy. Each nation has several unique fighter planes which are collected and then used during the campaign. The campaign spans the entire course of the war. During the single-player campaign the player earns stats, achievements, new planes, and commendations.
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This is the dxvk.conf file necessary to run Air Conflicts with RTX Remix. Place it in the root directory where the Remix runtime is installed. Thanks...
There has been a new patch released for Air Conflicts that brings the game to version 1.043.
This is the first patch to be released for Air Conflicts. It brings the game to version 1.03. We aren't sure what changes are made but it should be the...
The award-winning flight combat from Oleg Maddox's IL-2 series moves the setting from the Eastern front to the fierce combat of the Pacific theater. Allied...
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Fast pace cellshading flying action. Soar the skies as you take on the most vicious enemies above the ground. Experience an airborne adventure in an all...
Jane's World War II Fighters is a World War II era European Theater of Operations Combat flight simulation video game. It is part of the Jane's Combat...
Wings of Prey is based around the large-scale aerial combat and ground military operations of World War II. Players can participate in some of the war’s...
L-2 Sturmovik (Ил-2 Штурмовик) is a WWII combat flight simulator video game, focused on the air battles of the Eastern Front. It is named after...