Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption is a role-playing video game released for personal computers on June 7, 2000, by Activision. The game follows the...
Galaxies and Empires is a 3d, base-building, single player RTS, currently in development. Main features include multiple special abilities for even starting...
Taking inspiration from Doki Doki Literature Club, we decided to create a mod. However, "Doki Doki End Game" didn't turn out as well as we hoped since...
Oh crap! your girlfriend just got possesed by a demon inside a haunted mansion full of ghosts and unholy creatures! Use your bare hands and props you...
This is first mod i going to update on....., Never get defeated by strongest player ever in whole unverise!, New information: This is Standalone new game...
X-Men Origins: Wolverine will give you new insight into how much damage indestructible, razor-sharp claws can do to a human body. This is a game that...
Plunge into Earl vs. the Mutants, a high-octane top-down survival action-roguelite, set in the aftermath of a nuclear apocalypse.
Bad Girl is a 90's inspired third person shooter. Paying homage to games like Die Hard Trilogy, Virtua Cop and Tekken, the game aims to provide simple...
The Dragonhood is a clicker RPG with rougelite elements and automatic battles. Collect eggs, hatch dragons, and loot stuff on a variety of 1 vs 1 adventures...
Battlefield 2 invades the high-tech frontlines of modern warfare. The game brings the intensity and excitement of Battlefield 1942 into the modern era...
Rainbow Six 3 is a tactical shooter game DEVELOPED by UBI. The game is a first person shooter based on Tom Clancy's best selling novel by the same name...
L-2 Sturmovik (Ил-2 Штурмовик) is a WWII combat flight simulator video game, focused on the air battles of the Eastern Front. It is named after...
Hunting Grounds is a passion project inspired by such classics of the horror genre as Silent Hill, Resident Evil and Cry of Fear. Set in a world, renewed...
Ballz was made for the SizeHack 2000 game programming competition. You bounce the ballz into the portals to proceed. It has 16 levels and has been updated...
In The West where the sun sets, the devils cast their shadow. Sunset Devils is a top-down action shooter featuring a unique control scheme, designed to...
In North-Eastern Europe, inexplicable phenomena occur in the early 1960s. Among ancient buildings and dense forests, horrors lurk that no one dares to...
Deep Dark Wrath is a hand-drawn, card collecting, dungeon-crawler where you fend off countless enemies and find its source with the help of powerful Enchanted...
Enter into an entirely new highflying action-packed world that will challenge your abilities in new ways as you take on the role of an ace pilot defending...
This strategic card game allows you to live small linked stories in the universe of The First Spine.
Escape from a castle occupied by enemy forces. Use your charm, strategy thinking and outsmart your enemy, while attempting to return home. Don’t get...
*Everything is subject to change* National Farm is a 3D, single-player, isometric, simulation game where the player takes the role of someone who finds...
Fast paced action first person shooter. Earth has been invaded by demons many years ago. The demon rulers have slaved, tortured and killed everyone who...
Mycosis is action-platformer situated in an underground laboratory complex. The gameplay includes fighting various enemies, mostly the fungus infected...
Eternal Mist is a real-time tactics game with some RPG elements. Explore a post-apocalyptic fantasy world in which a deadly mist has engulfed almost the...
In the 28th imperial year, the Asha Galaxy faces turmoil as the Free Nirsh Army launches a rebellion. As Commander Rexis or Commander Kyra, players must...
Carnivores 2 is a first person hunting game. You can hunt 9 species of extinct dinosaurs such as the Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus Rex. including 6 weapons...
Soul of Azores is a game where you are an explorer that was sent to the Azores islands to find, research and photograph the newly discovered dark corals...
Anomalous Deception is a first-person survival horror game created by HBunny. Taking place in an alternate late 1960s decades after WWII ended, the world...